Smart investing, made simple

  • Choose from hand-picked portfolios
  • Investments matched to your risk profile, goals and values
  • Start with just £10

When investing, your capital is at risk.

Investing tailored to you

Open a Stocks & Shares ISA with just £10

Invest at your risk level

Whether you’re risky, balanced or cautious, we’ve got investment portfolios that suit you.

Ethical investing made easy

Our impact scores make it easy for you to invest as ethically as you like.

Start with just £10

Start investing from just £10. Withdraw your money easily. Stay in the know.

When investing, your capital is at risk.

Our investment approach

Our aim is to make smart investing accessible for everyone.

Our portfolios are hand-picked by experts to maximise your returns at the risk level you’re comfortable with.

But we don’t stop there. We actively look for better return options and rebalance our portfolios if the market changes.

Remember, when investing, your capital is at risk.

investment app screens

How does it work?

1. Discover your risk level

Our risk quiz is specifically designed to find the risk level that’s right for you.

Learn more with coaching.

2. Open your investment account

Choose between a Stocks & Shares ISA or a General Investment Account (GIA).

3. Choose your themes

Choose from our range of hand-picked themes based on what you’re interested in.

4. Start investing

Decide how much you’d like to invest based on your goals. Sit back and let your money work.

When investing, your capital is at risk.

Our themes

Just so you know, the expected returns and impact scores shown here are based on a medium risk level.

Conscious Lifestyle

Put your money where your heart is. This portfolio has been selected to only include funds with the highest graded Environmental, Social and Governance track records.

It includes companies such as Unilever, AIA, Danone, ANZ Bank and more.

Expected return: 19.5%
Impact score 4/5

Expected returns do not guarantee future returns.

Selected companies may change in the future.

American Allstars

America: the land of opportunity. This fund tracks the performance of the S&P Index, which is made of 500 of the largest and most powerful companies in the US.

It includes huge American tech companies as well as health care giants, financial companies, communication companies and more.

Expected return: 10.33%
Impact score: 3/5

Expected returns do not guarantee future returns.

Selected companies may change in the future.

Good Energy

With this fund, you make a positive impact by investing in 30 companies leading the way in clean and green energy sources.

It includes companies involved in solar energy, wind power, hydro-electric turbines, biofuel, geothermal energy and more.

Expected return: 58.81%
Impact score: 3/5

Expected returns do not guarantee future returns.

Selected companies may change in the future.

Big Tech

Invest in companies that are constantly innovating and changing the way we live today.

This fund includes shares in the biggest names in tech like Apple and Microsoft.

Expected return: 17.1%
Impact score: 3/5

Expected returns do not guarantee future returns.

Selected companies may change in the future.

Mega Mix

The world’s your oyster. This portfolio has been hand-picked to include some of the best business from across the globe.

It includes names like Nestle, Toyota, Sony, Nintendo, Unilever and Apple.

Expected return: 8.81%
Impact score 3/5

Expected returns do not guarantee future returns.

Selected companies may change in the future.

Great British Business

Own a slice of the best of British business including big names from health care, banks, supermarkets and more.

This fund tracks the performance of the FTSE 350, which is made of the 350 top companies in the UK.

Expected return: 2.99%
Impact score: 4/5

Expected returns do not guarantee future returns.

Selected companies may change in the future.

Expected return is an estimate of future performance of the portfolio.

We estimate the return by calculating the average of a series of (theoretical) past returns over a long period of time – in our case 5 years (or the longest period available). This method smoothens performance results over time and provides a more accurate return value for an investor than a single snapshot of one period. This is called “rolling returns”.

Past performance is often used for expected return estimation, however is not an indicator of future returns.

Safe and secure

We built Claro with your safety and privacy
top of mind.

Claro is authorised by and registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

We’re also FSCS protected, meaning your investments are protected up to £85,000.