Money management

The 25 financial influencers you should be following on Instagram

14 May 2021 | Posted by Frankie Jones

Craving inspiration when it comes to getting a handle on your bank account? Give these 25 financial influencers a follow and transform your money mindset.

1. Clare Seal (myfrugalyear

Clare Seal, Glamour columnist and author of Real Life Money, created this account to document her journey out of £27,000 worth of debt. We love that she doesn’t shy away from the tough conversations, discussing everything from how debt can drive people to suicide and the problem with TV shows that shame people for struggling financially. Her forum is also worth following if you’re looking for an honest, judgement-free conversation about money.

2. Fempire Finance (fempirefinance)

Fancy joining an inclusive community of women talking all things money? Want money tips and tricks without the confusing jargon? Fempire Finance is for you. Become more confident about your money with tonnes of financial education (strictly not advice), from building generational wealth to the pros and cons of investing.

3. Go Fund Yourself (go_fund_yourself_)

Go Fund Yourself is run by Alice Tapper, the financial campaigner who convinced the government to regulate Buy Now Pay Later services. Her feed is colourful and fun – the perfect place to discover the 5 ways you’re losing money, the essential questions to ask yourself before you start investing and much more.

4. Clever Girl Finance (clevergirlfinance)

Bola Sokunbi is on a mission to empower women to achieve financial wellness. Not only does she run this account, she’s also written best-selling books, writes a blog, has her own podcast and offers free money courses. Learn how to slay your debt, get tips on how to use your credit card and feel inspired by motivational quotes.

5. Millennial Money UK (millennialmoneyuk)

Ever wondered whether you should be investing or saving? What kind of place could you afford with a 5% deposit? How could the budget affect you? Get these questions and more answered on Millennial Money’s Instagram account. They don’t post a lot, but each post is thoughtful and considered – think of each one as a little lesson.

6. Finance Josh (financejosh)

If you want to start investing but you’re not sure where to begin, follow Finance Josh on Instagram (and pick up a copy of his book The Easy Way to Invest while you’re at it). He covers everything from bitcoin to index funds and credit scores. Josh takes inspiration from Warren Buffet – “the best investment you can make is in yourself” – which explains the motivational money quotes you’ll see peppered around his accounts.

7. This Girl Talks Money (thisgirltalksmoney)

Ellie, the woman behind this account, is on a mission to make female financial literacy mainstream. She’s a certified financial coach, writer and speaker with a beautifully curated Instagram account designed to help you achieve financial wellbeing. Don’t forget to check out her podcast, Money Unfiltered, as well.

8. Pennies to Pounds (penniestopoundspod)

Magic your pennies into pounds – it’s the dream, right? Kia Commodore, OK columnist and founder of this financial literacy platform, realised that the lack of financial education in schools was leaving young people confused about money and left to fend for (knowledge) themselves. Through a combination of posts, videos and entertaining TikToks, she hopes to change this for good.

9. Money Medics (moneymedics)

All about millennial money management, the team behind this account are sharing real stories, conversations and information about money. In amongst funny finance memes, you’ll find useful tips on how to get back money you’re owed, where to invest for the best returns and how to spend less on clothes.

 10. Rainchq (rainchq)

Davinia Tomlinson set up Rainchq to help women build sustainable, long-term wealth, enabling them to live life on their own terms. Follow along to hear stories from real-life rainmakers and learn more about the gender gap in financial literacy. Don’t forget to sign up to the mailing list and check out the Rainmakers Academy

 11. Laura Ann Moore (laura_ann_moore)

Money and mindset coach Laura Ann Moore (who partnered with us on this Mental Health Project) is on a mission to demystify personal finance. From restorative money affirmations to snippets from her talks at the wellness theme park (yes, that’s a thing), you’ll find everything you need to help you transform your mindset and your life. Check out her reels while you’re there!

 12. Mr Avocadough (mravocadough)

There’s more to this financial influencer’s account than it’s pun-tastic name might suggest. If you’re sick of being told you can’t make more dough without giving up avocado on toast, this guy’s on your side. Find out whether buying is always better than renting, how to negotiate a pay rise and why you really shouldn’t be neglecting that pension pot of yours.

 13. Thando & Lindie (skilledfinances)

Dream team Thando and Lindie created their instagram account to help couples make their money work better together. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to speak to your partner about money or debating when’s the right time to open a joint account, these two have the answers to your burning questions.

 14. Jason Butler (jbthewealthman)

This account was always going to be a hit, given Jason is a global financial wellbeing expert, professional speaker and an author and columnist at the FT. Posing questions like “are you stealing from your future?” and “feel like a money failure?”, he’ll encourage you to make the changes your bank account craves.

 15. Talk Twenties (talktwenties)

Everyone in their twenties should be following this account, set up by Gaby Mendes. It’s about more than just money (though there’s plenty of chat on that topic too) – from making savvy career moves to navigating friendships, consider this your new phone-sized life bible. 

 16. Vestpod (vestpod)

If you haven’t read You’re Not Broke, You’re Pre-Rich, where have you been?! Author and podcaster Emilie Bellet also runs this account, teaching women the valuable skills of investing. If investing isn’t your thing, she also talks about the dangers of emotional spending, how to save ethically and much more.

 17. The Penny Pal (thepennypal)

Level up your finances, starting now. Financial influencer The Penny Pal is dedicated to helping millennials make their money work harder. That starts with passing on life lessons like how to use a credit card properly, what kind of skills will get you a well paid job and which beliefs could be holding you back when it comes to money.

 18. Dan Martin (dantalksmoney)

If you want to live a happier, wealthier life (who doesn’t?) then head on over to Dan’s page. Whether you want tips to curb your overspending or the secret to getting rich, this qualified Financial Advisor is a fountain of knowledge. And there’s plenty more of that over on his TikTok, where he shares everything they should have taught you at school.

 19. Skint Dad (skintdad)

The creators of the award-winning money-saving blog Skint Dad know that every penny counts. So it’s no surprise that their Instagram account brings you all the money hacks, cheap recipes and side hustle suggestions you’ll ever need. Your savings journey starts here…

 20. Emmanuel Asuquo (theemaneffectuk)

The self-confessed “people’s financial advisor” is desperate to help you make better choices when it comes to your money. Discover his favourite tax-efficient investment wrappers, why your house is a liability not an asset and loads more. He’s also a successful media personality, so you can trust that his instagram content will keep you entertained.

21. The Humble Penny (thehumblepenny)

While many people only dream of getting there, founder Ken Okoroafor achieved financial independence at 34 years old. And he wants to show you how you can do it too! The Humble Penny’s posts focus largely on family-based finances, but if you’re not in that situation, you can still learn how to invest, build wealth and earn passive income.

22. Making Money Simple (makingmoneysimple)

If most financial websites have you running confused in the other direction, you’ll love this account. Ryan, the financial influencer behind the page, is only 23 years old, but with a podcast, newsletter and YouTube channel under his belt, he certainly knows his stuff. If you’re new to investing, learn the ropes here.

23. Mrs Mummypenny (mrsmummypennyuk)

Mrs Mummypenny (aka Lynn Beattie) is a personal finance expert with a particular interest in mental wellbeing. Her page is a one-stop-shop for everything from real-life stories (such as her experience being scammed) to seasonal tips for saving money. She’s also written a book and produces a weekly podcast, if that’s your cup of tea.

24. Investing for girls (investingforgirls)

Spoiler: you don’t have to be a girl to reap the benefits of this financial influencer’s account. It’s like a pocket guide to investing, designed to bust the common myths and demystify the jargon surrounding the industry. We love the #realtalk posts, where you’re invited to answer tough questions about life and money.

25. The Money Whisperer (moneywhisperer_)

Do you know what your money personality is? We bet you’re curious. Find out now with Emma, The Money Whisperer’s, quick quiz. Once you know that, head over to her Instagram page, which is full of tips and tricks on how to change your spending behaviour, where to go for a cheap day out and how to live debt-free forever.


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